Sunday, January 30, 2011

Blog Challenge #2:

First person 10 people to find a video helping you find the Volume of a Rectangular or Triangular right prism, and post it to their own blog, win a reward.

Once you have finished posting to your blog (the video, not the link to the video), you must leave a comment on the bottom of this post letting me know that you have successfully completed your challenge!

Make sure you put an appropriate title on you post and also label your postvolume, video, how to

Remember: You are to post this video on YOUR blog, and leave a comment on this very post!

If you are unsure of how to post a youtube video to your blog, see the instructions on the post below titled "Volume of a Cylinder" - not Meaghan's post, but mine a little farther down.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Volume of A Cylinder

How to Find the Volume of a Cylinder


Volume of a Cylinder


Can any of you 8O'ers find a good video on youtube and post it on this blog?  First person to post a good video on this site gets a reward tomorrow!

  1. Go to (Right click on the link above - in a new tab - if you want)
  2. Search youtube for a really good video which explains how to find the Volume of a Cylinder
  3. Watch the video to make sure
  4. Click on the "Embed" link below the video
  5. Right click and copy the code which appears below
  6. Click back on the tab with this blog
  7. Go to New Post
  8. In the new post, type in an appropriate title, then click on the Edit HTML button (beside the Compose button - top right of body of post), and paste the code in
  9. Lastly, add labels - "Math, volume, video" (type in the first few letters of each and the labels should pop up below, click on the correct word)
As an extra added bonus, add a few sentences in to the post about why you thought this video helped.


1)  What did you think of this week's TUSC meeting? Why?

2)  What can we do better as a class?  Suggestions?  Improvements?  Why?

3)  What are you doing well?  What do you need to do to improve?

Monday, January 24, 2011

math test?

what to study? is it just surface area of trianglular based prisims, regtangular based prisims, and clyinders?