Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Last post of 2010

Write about a time when your parents really surprised you. Did this event or situation seem out of character for your parents? Was this surprise a good one or a bad one? What was your reaction?

(1/2 page)

You went hiking with some friends, took off on your own for a while, and got lost.

You've wandered around all day looking for your friends, but you can't find them anywhere.

What is the first thing you do? Have you brought food, water, and maps along, or are you the freewheeling type who just comes as you are? What thoughts are going through your head? How do you feel? Write about the situation.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Tug - A - War

Once in my life I was caught as the center of attention in a large fight (This involving many family members). The fight was over a persons interpretation of me not speaking.

I never did get my revenge on that certain person( Whom I wish to be kept unnamed). I wanted to at first, but it was an on going battle. I don't believe anyone got revenge over the other. It seemed as if it were going back and forth.

This fight tore me up inside, made me feel like I had to choose a side,(An example of this would be tug- a-war, where the rope is being pulled between two sides or more. Eventually one side has greater strength over the others, and the rope is forced to go there.) and wishing it was over. During the fight I felt a feeling of greatness that people were standing up for me, but by the end I felt slightly guilty.

I would think " If I had only said more during the fight, not let people take the blame for me, or had I spoken loudly or more clearly before hand none of this would have happened."

"None of This Would Have Happened."

Thursday, December 16, 2010


3. I couldn't leave like that. I had to know why

I couldn't just leave the rink with out knowing what was going to happen to Cody. I saw the blood on the ice and I felt like crying , why was there so much blood, what was I going to with out my big brother. He was the world to me, we were best friends.

About a year or so after Cody passed on my mom and dad told me that I was going to have a little brother or sister, I was hoping my mom was going to have a boy because I felt like if my mom had a little boy he would be replacing Cody. No one could ever replace Cody, I didn't know that at the time, not until Jordyn was born.

Two years after Cody passed on, we moved into our new, big house. In our new house we had an extra room, that is Cody's room, it has some of his things in there. One month after we moved into the house, Jordyn was born and I fell in love with her even after I thought I wouldn't like her.

When Jordyn was born I didn't know if I was going to like her or not because she wasn't a boy, I didn't want a little sister. I wanted a little brother. My mom told me that Jordyn wasn't going to take Cody's place, for a while I didn't believe her. My mom was right, but there are certain things that Jordyn does that remind us of Cody.

Jordyn's middle name is C.J which is short for Cody Josh. Even though Jordyn didn't know him he is a part of her. Cody is always talked about in our house. He will always be apart of our family and in our hearts forever. We always enjoy hearing all the stories that people tell.

Every year we give a trophy away to the most dedicated Novice player. He was a very dedicated hockey player and loved the game, he always told mom that him and Steven were going to play in NHL.

Christmas is very hard for us still around our house, it just isn't the same. Mom and Dad try the best they can to always make the best possible holiday for Jordyn and I.
4. You are in the last month of 2010! Write about what you accomplished over the year and what you'd like to accomplish in the last month of 2010.

This year in Mr. Oldcorn's class I have been getting better marks on my math sheets, practice tests and real tests. I have also been getting better at acting in front of my class and other classes.

I have been able to help my friends in math because I understand the math much better since Mr. Oldcorn has been teaching me. I think now that I'm in Mr. Oldcorn's class I have a lot more confidence than I did before. Another thing that I have accomplished is getting better marks on my fitness run because I don't want to get lower than 7 this year, the lowest mark I have gotten is 8 or 9 so far.

What I would like accomplish this year is get 90 or higher on my math test and be able to

Your Choice...

1. Describe a time when you wanted revenge.

Did you get it?

How did you feel? (1/2 page)

2. There is a new student in class and you are given an assignment. You are required to spend 10 minutes giving him/her advice about surviving at Virden Junior High. What would you say? (1/2 page)

3. I couldn't leave like that. I had to know why ___________( half page)

4. You are in the last month of 2010! Write about what you accomplished over the year and what you'd like to accomplish in the last month of 2010.
(half page)

5. The air was bitter cold as I stepped tentatively on the treacherous, ice-covered sidewalk. I steadied myself in a clumsy, jerking motion. "I hope he appreciates this," I grumbled. I was shopping for the one gift he wanted and I needed to brave the blizzard in order to pick it up. Snow blinded me and I ducked my head as the heavy flakes pelted my winter hat. I opened the door to the old shop at the end of the street. I hadn't really noticed it before, but he had said what he wanted most was inside this dilapidated building. The bell on the door tinkled as I yanked it open. What I found inside was almost indescribable. (half page)


Stop playing COD.

Get to school.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Greetings From the University World

Hello everyone! Just thought I would drop you a line before the holiday season. I hope everything is going well, everything is great in Brandon (except the Wheat Kings!). I got a chance to read your latest blog posts, and I believe I commented on at least one of everyone's. I also wanted to let everyone know that you can see myself and the rest of the Miniota/Elkhorn C-hawks in action at 8:00 on Saturday, December 18th as we travel to Virden to face the Oil Kings. Hope to see some familiar faces in the crowd and I will try to score you all a goal. (Haven't scored yet this year. Seven assists, but no goals so don't get your hopes up!). Have a great holiday, say hello to the rest of the school for me, and Mr. O, let me know when the next choir practice is. I have been practicing a lot!

Percent homework

Simon Whitfield of Victoria, British Columbia, won the men’s triathlon at the Sydney Olympics. The race
consisted of a 1.5-km swim in Sydney Harbour, a 40-km bike ride through Sydney and a 10-km run.

a) What percent of the race distance
is each component? Express your
answer to the nearest tenth of a percent.

b) What percent of the race distance
is spent on land? Express your answer
to the nearest tenth of a percent.

Please show your work and post your answers in the Comments section for this post!  (below)

Hint: Think part to whole!